Integrating Rasa with FB messenger

Hello, I’m integrating Rasa bot with facebook. So for that I have created a new app and new page on facebook for developers. And I have also added facebook params in the credentials.yml file. facebook: verify: “Shrey Bot” secret: “xxxxxxxxxxxxx” page-access-token: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” Also there is this endpoint in the endpoints.yml file: action_endpoint: url: “http://localhost:5055/webhook

This error is showing when I try to use callbackurl for facebook. I have used postman for POST request using the callback url and it is giving 404 not found. Can you please help.

Hi @ShreySomwanshi

Ngrok masking should be done for rasa url and not the action server url.

Can you check if the ngrok url is for rasa server url ? It’s by default on 5005 port

Also the verify token should be same in both the places. On Facebook developers page and in your yml file

Yes I have done Ngrok masking for rasa url and not the action server url. I have also checked the verify token in both the places. On Facebook developers page and in yml file.

Okay, Open web interface that NGROK provides its on on your machine and once you provide fb with the webhook URL and verify token and hit submit then check on the NGROK dashboard, Please share that