In rasa version 3.4.4 , no output is generated after making changes in the original code

even after adding our new data in the original files but after running rasa shell it is not showing and recognising the updated intents and the relevant responses. But rasa train and all other commands are running fine and resolved all the error. Please suggest what to do next

Hi @Aneri, can you share your config file?

The config recipe.

Model Configuration

recipe: default.v1

Configuration for Rasa NLU.


language: en


# No configuration for the NLU pipeline was provided. The following default pipeline was used to train your model.

# If you’d like to customize it, uncomment and adjust the pipeline.

# See Tuning Your NLU Model for more information.

- name: WhitespaceTokenizer

- name: RegexFeaturizer

- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer

- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

analyzer: char_wb

min_ngram: 1

max_ngram: 4

- name: DIETClassifier

epochs: 100

constrain_similarities: true

- name: EntitySynonymMapper

- name: ResponseSelector

epochs: 100

constrain_similarities: true

- name: FallbackClassifier

threshold: 0.3

ambiguity_threshold: 0.1

Configuration for Rasa Core.



# No configuration for policies was provided. The following default policies were used to train your model.

# If you’d like to customize them, uncomment and adjust the policies.

# See Policies for more information.

- name: MemoizationPolicy

- name: RulePolicy

- name: UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy

max_history: 5

epochs: 100

- name: TEDPolicy

max_history: 5

epochs: 100

constrain_similarities: true[quote=“Aneri, post:3, topic:57540, full:true”]

The config recipe.

Model Configuration

recipe: default.v1

Configuration for Rasa NLU.


language: en


# No configuration for the NLU pipeline was provided. The following default pipeline was used to train your model.

# If you’d like to customize it, uncomment and adjust the pipeline.

# See Tuning Your NLU Model for more information.

- name: WhitespaceTokenizer

- name: RegexFeaturizer

- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer

- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

analyzer: char_wb

min_ngram: 1

max_ngram: 4

- name: DIETClassifier

epochs: 100

constrain_similarities: true

- name: EntitySynonymMapper

- name: ResponseSelector

epochs: 100

constrain_similarities: true

- name: FallbackClassifier

threshold: 0.3

ambiguity_threshold: 0.1

Configuration for Rasa Core.



# No configuration for policies was provided. The following default policies were used to train your model.

# If you’d like to customize them, uncomment and adjust the policies.

# See Policies for more information.

- name: MemoizationPolicy

- name: RulePolicy

- name: UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy

max_history: 5

epochs: 100

- name: TEDPolicy

max_history: 5

epochs: 100

constrain_similarities: true


strong text

Currently, I am using google collab to implement rasa version 3.3.3 but still facing the issues above. I am not able to identify whether the model is actually trained or not as it says the model is trained but still it is not giving responses to the new intents added to the original file. Could anyone pls suggest what should be performed in order to resolve this.