I want inform intent to behave differently inside a form than it does outside

Right now am using inform intent to fill slots inside a form. For instance when form prompts the user to fill slot available_subject the user just needs to enter the name of a subject to fill the required slot.

intent: inform

- [Science](available_subject)
- [Commerce](available_subject)
- [Biology](available_subject)
- [Mathematics](available_subject)

Then an action is carried out when form gets submitted.

But, when the form is not active and the user just enters a subject (i.e.intent: inform) then a different custom action should be carried out.Preformatted text

I understood from your post that your form is already working as intended. If so, then you just need to create an story that maps the intent to a different action, something like:

* intent:inform
    - your_action
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