I am getting this error on rasa action server

I am getting this error on action server. I am running rasa server and rasa action server independently.

Rasa Server Docker-

FROM rasa/rasa:3.5.17-full

WORKDIR '/app'

COPY . /app

USER root

COPY ./data /app/data

COPY ./models /app/models


VOLUME /app/data

VOLUME /app/models

CMD ["run","-m","/app/models","--enable-api","-p","8000","--cors","*" ,"--endpoints", "endpoints.yml", "--log-file", "out.log", "--debug"]

Rasa Action Docker:- 
FROM rasa/rasa-sdk:3.5.0

# Use subdirectory as working directory


# Copy any additional custom requirements, if necessary (uncomment next line)

COPY actions/requirements-actions.txt ./

# Change back to root user to install dependencies

USER root

# Install extra requirements for actions code, if necessary (uncomment next line)

RUN pip install -r requirements-actions.txt

# Copy actions folder to working directory

COPY ./actions /app/actions


# By best practices, don't run the code with root user

USER 1001

CMD [ "start","--actions","actions","--port","8000" ]

Error :-1:

ERROR rasa_sdk.endpoint - Exception occurred during execution of request <Request: GET />`|

| --- | --- | --- | --- |

|`Traceback (most recent call last):`|

|`File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic_routing/router.py", line 79, in resolve`|

|`route, param_basket = self.find_route(`|

|`File "", line 9, in find_route`|

|`sanic_routing.exceptions.NotFound: Not Found`|

|`During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:`|

|`Traceback (most recent call last):`|

|`File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic_routing/router.py", line 79, in resolve`|

|`route, param_basket = self.find_route(`|

|`File "", line 9, in find_route`|

|`sanic_routing.exceptions.NotFound: Not Found`|

|`During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:`|

|`Traceback (most recent call last):`|

|`File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic/router.py", line 38, in _get`|

|`return self.resolve(`|

|`File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic_routing/router.py", line 90, in resolve`|

|`return self.resolve(`|

|`File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic_routing/router.py", line 96, in resolve`|

|`raise self.exception(str(e), path=path)`|

|`sanic_routing.exceptions.NotFound: Not Found`|

|`During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:`|

|`Traceback (most recent call last):`|

|`File "handle_request", line 26, in handle_request`|

|`from socket import socket`|

|`File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic/router.py", line 66, in get`|

|`return self._get(path, method, host)`|

|`File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sanic/router.py", line 44, in _get`|

|`raise NotFound("Requested URL {} not found".format(e.path))`|

|`sanic.exceptions.NotFound: Requested URL not found`|