How to write test stories for Rasa

I want to know about test stories in RASA. I know that we can write test stories using RASA X using interactive learning. But if I generate a story like this, does it get saved in the bot memory? Because I want to know how my bot will perform end to end. So i have the real conversation from users. I am trying to convert that into the correct format for RASA test_stories. The data is huge so I want to know if I can automate the process of creating Rasa test_stories file other than using RASA X. and also if I use rasa x, and generate the story format from interactive learning, does it get saved in bot memory because i want the test results to be as they were on unseen data… so i have two questions…

  1. does the data i use to generate my test_stories.yml file using rasa x interactive learning get saved in the bot memory? because that will make the results of tests biased.
  2. is there any way I can automate the process of creating stories for test_stories.yml file automatically?

But if I generate a story like this, does it get saved in the bot memory?

The docs on interactive learning show the export option to save the session when running from the command line.

using rasa x

Stop using Rasa X and run it from the command line since Rasa X doesn’t have a future.

Did you find anything other than rasa x for writing test stories? I am currently working with rasa open source.

Have a look at the Rasa server HTTP API. It has an endpoint to access a conversation’s end-to-end story that you can directly use as a test story. The workflow to build it is:

  1. run Rasa shell in debug mode with API enabled
  2. talk to the bot
  3. copy the conversation id for the conversation above from the logs
  4. use it in a request to the endpoint

It seems that the API only considers the internal tracker store to generate end-to-end stories (at least I could not get it working with an external tracker like PostgreSQL).

yes you can write the test stories under the


folder there is


there you can specify the test stories patterns