How to set already developerd rasa chatbot on website?

Hi, I have an already chatbot on employment, and I want it to display it in my website. I have followed the method as you have mentioned in the tutorial, and chatbot appears, bit it doesn’t react to the questions i have asked.i mean the intents and nothing gets answered? why is that so?

Can you show the logs or error trace?

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I have implemented chatbot on my drupal, with the following scripts as in the video from ‘digital breed’ on ‘rasa integration with wesite’. And was able to get the chatbot, but in my current chatbot I have used quick replies. So quick replies output doesn’t appear on my chaatbot. But without quick replies it shows the chatbot intent. Why does that happens? Is quick replies only for messenger bot?

if tracker.get_latest_input_channel() == ‘facebook’: message = { “text”: “Hey there! How can we help you :relaxed: ?”, “quick_replies”: [ { “content_type”: “text”, “payload”: “/tax”, “title”: “Tax”, }, { “content_type”: “text”, “payload”: “/licence”, “title”: “Licence”, }, { “content_type”: “text”, “payload”: “/driving_test”, “title”: “Driving Test” }, { “content_type”: “text”, “payload”: “/different_other_categories”, “title”: “Others” }, { “content_type”: “text”, “payload”: “/faq”, “title”: “FAQ” } ] } dispatcher.utter_custom_json(message) else: dispatcher.utter_message(template=“action_greet”,name=tracker) return []

This was my quick reply file in and I have used it on facebook, while adding any other field it shows error. I am very new at rasa chatbot. And i am sorry for late responce.

the payload which you are trying to send works only for FB messenger if you want to send quick replies you can send using the payload which is used for buttons, you can check it here:

Oh. First I tried payload buttons using as the above link, and I had more than 3 buttons, facebook API wouldn’t allowed more than 3 buttons, thus I changed it to quick replies. So is that means, do I need to have two program for messenger and website chatbot? As fpr more than 3 button, quick replies used which only works in fb, and if i am using payload more than 3, it won’t appear in website?

you need to send channel specific response:

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Oh. I will look through it. I have no idea about the topic. Thanks for helping

how to run the zip folder of the chatbot to another system? As I have done my project on my lap, and now I need to move it to my system. when I tried to enter into the environment and type rasa x, it shows error. as bash not found. How to do that?