Hi there!
Quite frequently, users send a second message before the bot had time to answer the first message. From the bot perspective, this second message is received and processed after it has answered. A simple workaround would be to ignore these messages altogether. Is there a way or a hack to have Rasa Core ignore user messages received before the last bot utterance/action was sent? If not, any pointers on where to look into hacking Rasa Core for that?
In a similar thread, someone suggested blocking messages on the front-end side. Unfortunately, this is not possible because we use Facebook Messenger and SMS.
A simple example:
User: Hello
User: How are you
Bot: Hey there!
Bot: What do you want to do?
From the bot perspective, the story actually looks like:
* greet
- utter_greet
- utter_what_want_to_do
* how_are_you
In this simple case, it’s not a problem as the resulting story is ok. However, it can make things very strange in other parts of the conversation.
Thanks for your help! Cheers, Nicolas