How to correctly respond to payload-button-item


I have several buttons, that I create in my actions, like this:

buttonGroup.append({"title": title, "payload": '/inform{{"course": "{0}"}}'.format(title)})
dispatcher.utter_message(buttons = buttonGroup)

so on postman I see something like this then:

"buttons": [
                "title": "Course A",
                "payload": "/inform{\"Course\": \"CourseA\"}"
                "title": "Course B",
                "payload": "/inform{\"Course\": \"Course B\"}"

My problem is, that I do not know how to correctly respond to this to “activate” the payload / validate the send intent and entity.

Do I send a message, or a payload, or message and payload?

Like this:

{ “sender”: “theresa”, “message”: “Course A” }

or like this:

{ “sender”: “theresa”, “message”: “/inform{“Course”: “Course B”}” }

Thanks, Theresa!