When I am sending a response which contains buttons to Whatsapp using rasa, both text and payload are displayed like:
Where would you like to dine?
1. Outside (/outside)
2. Inside (/inside)
I am adding buttons using custom action in the following manner:
buttons.append({"title": "Outside", "payload": "/outside"}) buttons.append({"title": "Outside", "payload": "/inside"}) slot_name = tracker.get_slot('location') dispatcher.utter_message( template=f"utter_ask_{slot}", **tracker.slots, buttons=buttons)
Also, when I use domain.yml file to add buttons, payload is still visible.
utter_ask_location: - buttons: - payload: /inside title: Inside - payload: /outside title: Outside
Am I missing something here? I just want text without payload visible to the end-user.