How to change API Name & Format

  1. How to change the API name from http://localhost/webhooks/rest/weebhook to http://localhost/api

  2. How the change the response format from

    { "sender": "test_user", "message": "halo" }


{ title: 'My awesome link', link: '', target: '_blank' }

i’m really lost in this topic, but the frontend need that format API for the widget. If anyone can help it will be tremendously helpful

I think you can do it through a custom connector and link the class in credentials.yml file. When you execute “rasa run --enable-api” it will load the connector.

Please enlight me, like creating custom instance in credentials.yml


url: “https:///api/v4”

token: “”

webhook_url: “”

like edit that script?

You can check the documentation at Custom Connectors.

I myself have a couple of custom connectors in my Dadbot.