How to call a custom action in validate_slot?

Hello !

I got a question, how can I call a custom action in a validate_slot action ?

def validate_other_app_need(
        slot_value: Any,
        dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher,
        tracker: Tracker,
        domain: DomainDict,
    ) -> Dict[Text, Any]:
        """Validate cuisine value."""

        # execute custom action to get the app_need_type

        return {"other_app_need": slot_value}

I got this validate_other_app_need inside a FormValidationAction, but I’m wanting to call a custom action when the slot is validated, how can I do that ?

Thanks you ! Have a great day.

To call a custom action when a slot is validated in a FormValidationAction, you can use the dispatcher.utter_message() method to trigger the custom action in the validate_other_app_need method