I have set a slot in my custom action_session_start and I want to implement branching logic based on this slot and a broad intent at the beginning of the session.
type: rasa.shared.core.slots.CategoricalSlot
initial_value: null
auto_fill: true
influence_conversation: true
- flight
- special_car
- hotel
- train
- store
- stages
- taxi
- corp
- other
I have the following story now, but it doesn’t work:
@lynndisco are you able to share the code of your custom action and how you run it?
Potentially you could try to see if adding the action step before slot_was_set works:
It would be helpful to see your entire stories file, I find it a bit strange to not have a story started with an intent. I’d also recommend you take a look at checkpoints, that could help you branch stories more easily?
Another more efficient alternative is to not use slot_was_set and checkpoints to branch stories, and instead to take advantage of conditional response variations: this way, you could have only one response (utter_begin_ticket_refund) instead of one response for each slot category value.
Thank you for your advice, conditional response variations helped me solve the problem.
Another thing I found, if multiple influence_conversation: true slots are set in the custom action_session_start, and some of them are used in other rules, then the story needs to be written with those slots as well:
I set supply_name , supply_gender , and business_domain to influence_conversation: true in action_session_start, and used supply_name and supply_gender in one rule.
Then I must use all 3 slots at the beginning of my story, if I just use business_domain alone then the story will not work.