How much actions or slot_was_set events in a row Rasa can handle?

I need a lot of actions and slot_was _set events in the story. My story looks like this:

  - story: story1
      - intent: some_intent
      - slot_was_set:
          - slot_from_action_session_start: True
      - action: action_1
      - slot_was_set:
          - slot_from_action_1: Set
      - action: action_2
      - slot_was_set:
          - slot_from_action_2: null
      - action: action_3
      - slot_was_set:
          - slot_from_action_3: null
      - action: utter_one
      - action: action_4
      - checkpoint: check1

  - story: story1 checkpoint1
      - checkpoint: check1
      - slot_was_set:
          - slot_from_action_4: 4
      - action: utter_two
      - action: utter_three
      - action: utter_four

  - story: story1 checkpoint1
      - checkpoint: check1
      - slot_was_set:
          - slot_from_action_4: 5
      - action: action_5
      - slot_was_set:
          - slot_from_action_5: 0
          - slot_from_action_5: 10
      - action: utter_five
      - action: utter_six
      - action: utter_four

And this story works fine, but almost all of the other sories, which don’t have anything in common with this story, breake. The other stories worked fine untill I added 5th action to this story.

Why this is happening? Does the sories have limit for actions or slot_was_set events?

hi @annthehuman as far as i’m aware, there’s no such limit for stories. Could you please clarify what is the 5th action added to which story? It would also be helpful if you could show the full error stacktrace for the stories that break - you can run rasa shell --debug for this output. Additionally, are you able to share your stories file alongside the domain?

One observation though related to the story structure you shared is for slot_was_set event in story1 checkpoint1: according to the docs, this should follow an action, while in your story it follows a checkpoint, I’d recommend experimenting with moving checkpoint in story1 to below - action: action_4, then shifting this action between the checkpoint and slot_was_set in story1 checkpoint1.

hi @annthehuman follow-up question, I was also confused by the double slot_was_set events in the third story example: how come the same slot is set to 0 and 10? That might be the problem :thinking:

Hi! Sorry for such a long pause. Seems like the problem accured whan we had three slot_was_set in a row. But we used Rasa version 2.1.3, after apdate to 2.6.2 problem dissapeared.