How can I run Rasa Studio on Windows locally?

Hi, I want to install and run Rasa Studio on my on promise windows computer for development. any idea if it is possible ?

Hello, you can install and run Rasa on a Windows computer for development purposes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Set Up Python Environment:

Ensure you have Python 3.8 or 3.9 installed (Rasa works best with these versions).

Install pip (Python’s package manager) if it’s not already installed.

Create a virtual environment to isolate your Rasa project:

bash python -m venv rasa_env rasa_env\Scripts\activate Install Rasa:

Update pip to the latest version:

bash pip install --upgrade pip Install Rasa Open Source:

bash pip install rasa Initialize a Rasa Project:

Once Rasa is installed, you can create a new project:

bash rasa init This will set up a basic Rasa project structure and allow you to test the installation.

Install Additional Dependencies:

Depending on your use case, you might need additional dependencies like spacy or tensorflow. For example:

bash pip install rasa[spacy] python -m spacy download en_core_web_md Run Rasa:

To start the Rasa server, use:

bash rasa run For interactive training, use:

bash rasa interactive Considerations for On-Premise Setup:

Ensure your system meets the hardware requirements for Rasa, especially if you’re using machine learning models.

Best Regard, Amy