How can I get twilio message information in my custom action?

I would like to be able to discover a message’s twilio information (AccountSID, Message SID etc.) and then utter that back to the user.

I am trying:

acc_sid = str(request.form.get('AccountSid'))

but not getting very far!


Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Where are you trying this code? Can you explain the reasoning behind it?

You can send info from a channel to Rasa with a method similar to what I described here: Different response for each users types - #6 by ChrisRahme

Also, in a Custom Action, all the info you can have about the state of the conversation on Rasa’s side is stored in the tracker variable.

Hi Chris - sorry for taking some time on this!

I have connected rasa to WhatsApp through twilio. I am trying to send a message to a user that contains the twilio message parameters of the previous message.

For example, if a user sent in a photo, while Rasa can’t process the image I would like to be able to send the user the url address of where twilio has stored the image as a string

Does that make sense?