Hi, I was following Migrating your Rasa 1.x assistant to Rasa 2.0 | The Rasa Blog | Rasa for migrating my assistant, but I am confused by the following:
If you used the
rasa data convert
command to migrate your stories data to Rasa Open Source 2.0, the stories with forms will be updated to include the form activation and form deactivation steps. To properly migrate the forms to 2.0, we recommend removing those stories from your stories.yml file and updating the rules.yml file instead by adding rules for the form activation and form submission.
So, will the stories.yml file be empty??
Also, my forms are in the form:
- form: user_Name{“PERSON”: “Tom Holland”}
- form: user_registration
- slot{“Name”: “Tom Holland”}
- slot{“requested_slot”: “doorNo”}
this is what I have to manually input into rules, right?