My story looks like this:
raise claim path
- greet
- utter_greet
- raise_claim
- utter_affirm_raise_claim
- group_claim_form
- form{“name”: “group_claim_form”}
- form{“name”: null}
- utter_thanks_confirmation_support_reachout
Submit in my looks like this:
def submit(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List[Dict]:
dispatcher.utter_template('utter_submit', tracker)
return []
After collecting the required (free text) slots, the submit method is called. After utter_submit is dispatched, it falls back to default instead of executing utter_thanks_confirmation_support_reachout that I have mentioned in Why does this happen?
I tried returning (from submit in actions) a SlotSet event that sets a bool slot called FormSubmitted. And I checked for the same in the story (like - slot{…: true}) after the - form{“name”: null} line. This didnt work either.
Can someone please help?
Debug Log of
2019-01-20 00:41:27 DEBUG rasa_core.processor - Action ‘group_claim_form’ ended with events ‘[‘SlotSet(key: employee_id, value: A123)’, ‘Form(None)’, ‘SlotSet(key: requested_slot, value: None)’]’
2019-01-20 00:41:27 DEBUG rasa_core.processor - Bot utterance ‘BotUttered(text: Thank you for providing your employeed id (None) and company name (MGM)!, data: { “elements”: null, “buttons”: null, “attachment”: null })’
2019-01-20 00:41:27 DEBUG rasa_core.policies.fallback - NLU confidence 0.0 is lower than NLU threshold 0.3. Predicting fallback action: action_default_fallback
Debug Log of actions:
DEBUG:rasa_core_sdk.forms:Trying to extract requested slot ‘employee_id’ … DEBUG:rasa_core_sdk.forms:Got mapping ‘{‘type’: ‘from_text’, ‘intent’: [], ‘not_intent’: []}’ DEBUG:rasa_core_sdk.forms:Successfully extracted ‘A123’ for requested slot ‘employee_id’ DEBUG:rasa_core_sdk.forms:No slots left to request DEBUG:rasa_core_sdk.forms:Deactivating the form ‘group_claim_form’ DEBUG:rasa_core_sdk.executor:Successfully ran ‘group_claim_form’ - - [2019-01-20 00:41:25] “POST /webhook HTTP/1.1” 200 383 0.001707