Hi! I’m trying to display the responses of the top three actions Rasa thinks it should send, if responses exist for those actions. For example, if Rasa ranks the actions utter_hello, utter_yes, and utter_no as the top 3 actions to proceed with, I would want to get the responses “Hello!”, “Yes.”, and “No.”.
Currently, I am hitting the Rasa X API’s conversations/{conversation_id}/predict
endpoint and using that data in conjunction with the responseGroups
Rasa X endpoint to get the first response for each action that has responses. Is there a cleaner way to do this, like another endpoint? I didn’t see anything in the documentation, but I’m still new to Rasa so maybe I just overlooked something. Ideally I would find a solution that would also work with custom actions, though I’m not sure if there’s a way to have Rasa do a dry-run of a custom action.