Forms v2: issue when validating user's input

In the validate function, if I set the REQUESTED_SLOT to none, the template utter_ask_{slot_name} and the dispatched message will both be displayed. For example,

        for slot, value in slot_values.items():
             if slot == 'product_environment':
                   if 'office' in slot_values['product_environment'].lower():
                              dispatcher.utter_message("Apologies, I can only assist you with home products. "
                                         "Would you like me to help you find one?")
                                slot_values[slot] = None

in my domain i have

  - 'Do you need it for your home or office?'

Now the issue here is that if the user says “office”, the output will be:

Apologies, I can only assist you with home products. Would you like me to help you find one?

Do you need it for your home or office?

full example:

user: i would like to purchase a desk

Bot: Do you need it for your home or office?

user: office

Bot: Apologies, I can only assist you with home products. Would you like me to help you find one?

Bot: Do you need it for your home or office?

But i only need the response to be

Apologies, I can only assist you with home products. Would you like me to help you find one?


So I played around with the formbot demo, this seems to be the normal behavior, although it makes the bot sound less ‘natural’.

As a workaround, i did the following: 1- defined a new slot (I named it ‘wrong_num_of_ppl’ - line 37 in the image below) in the domain and set its ‘initial_value’ 2- this passed this slot to the utter_ask_{requested_slot} template, line 45 in the image. 3- in validate, I changed the value if validation fails, (when user inserts a negative number)

I was expecting the following behavior: if the user provides a negative value for the number of people, the bot should only ask the user to input a correct value

However, this did not work! For some reason changing the value of the slot ‘wrong_num_of_ppl’ was not reflected on the uttered template

Any suggestions?

Update: I may have found a way around by rewriting the function ‘request_next_slot’