I feel like there is a tiny detail I’m missing that’s preventing me from success in accepting traffic to my REST endpoint.
TLDR: I’m getting a 404 error for my /webhooks/rest/webhook calls. The solution is to place “rest:” in my credentials.yml file – but that’s where I’m having trouble.
Here’s my setup in a nutshell:
- Deployed to Google Cloud Compute following using instructions from Rasa Masterclass Episode 9 handbook – that went fine.
- Set up domain name & dns for Google Cloud Compute virtual machine - good.
- Connected my sparkly new assistant to my Git repo to get the training files - still good.
- Trained the model - good good.
- Invited test users via Share link (using new domain name) on conversations page - good.
- Test users successfully chatted with my bot - good.
Now at this point I tried to enable a website widget to chat through. That’s where I’ve fallen flat.
I get a 404 error when the widget is trying to POST to http://mydomain.com/webhooks/rest/webhook
Edit: The same error happens when I attempt a CURL POST.
- Changed credentials.yml via my git repo to include rest: section – no success.
- Attempted to re-run quick install script with environment variable set. No success. export ADDITIONAL_CHANNEL_CREDENTIALS=“rest=’’”
- I’m not a K8S whiz, but I did find this command to get my credentials file copied from my rasa-x pod to outside Kubernetes: kubectl exec -n rasa rasa-rasa-x-7ddd98f7d4-qlcsh – tar cf - credentials.yml | tar xf - -C ~/
What’s interesting – That file shows that only the rasa channel is specified and not the rest channel.
SO… I need to update the credentials.yml file directly I guess?
I tried copying a modified version of credentials.yml back into the pod with --overwrite flag and get an error message that the file system is read-only.
So at this point, I’m taking a step back and asking for help – because I feel like this problem is simpler than I’m making it.
Is there something wrong pulling the credentials.yml from git? (Or is it ignored?) Am I supposed to quick-install with a different parameter or helm chart? Am I supposed to be able to modify credentials.yml from inside RasaX? Am I supposed to be able to launch nano inside my rasa-x pod?
I appreciate any nudge in the right direction. Thanks!