Drop down menu

I used the following link to take the response and the domain for a drop down menu, however when I add the story it just prints out the domain in the form of text, I am using command line and was wonder whether the drop down menu doesn’t work with the cmd?

The dropdown responses were not supported in cmdline since it is a custom payload. You need to use Chatbot Widget developed by @JiteshGaikwad to test it.

Thanks, Uday

I’ve tried deploying his work as well (the restaurant code and the HR code) and I receive a lot of errors. I’ve also tried installing Rasa x with python version 3.8 and pip 20.01 and Ubuntu 20.04 and it wouldn’t install. How can I install rasa x?

Use below command to install rasa x.

pip3 install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

I tried this code and it tells me to use pip instead of pip3. Does the tensor flow version make a difference?

Yes sometimes. Use pip install. It has to work.

I will try it by creating another virtual machine and installing rasa x, will let you know how it works. As for the drop down menu I get the following error.

I haven’t tried payload inside the values just like you and I am not really sure it was supported. As per the error logs, I am assuming that payloads were not supported in dropdown. You just need to provide text value. @JiteshGaikwad Correct me I am wrong.

Thanks, Uday for chiming in. @IsraaMohamedHamid the dropdown which you are trying to render will only work for the UI which I have developed. It is not supported by Rasa X.

Thank you @JiteshGaikwad for your time.

Yeah. That I told him earlier. Question was can we send data like ‘intentName{key:value}’ in dropdown same like sending a payload in buttons.

Is the below statement is valid?

‘’’ custom: payload: dropdown data: label: l1 value: /intent{key:value} ‘’’

@ChikkaUdayaSai you can send it as shown below

But this will only work with custom UI not with Rasa X

Can you add the above statement in markdown format.

Note the Dropdown was made in support of Rasa 1.X, I am not sure this will work for Rasa 2.0 as it supports yml.

I’m sorry stupid question but how do I make the UI work? As in what requirements do I need? Also why do buttons work fine and drop down or carousel not work?

@IsraaMohamedHamid you can find the instructions here:

Yes I have read the instructions, I didn’t understand the how to add rest channel to the credentials.yml can you send me a link that I can use to understand. Also will this work with ubuntu 18.04?

You can check this link:

I tried this code and it tells me to use pip instead of pip3..

@JiteshGaikwad would the drop down and carousel work on WhatsApp and telegram or just messenger?

@IsraaMohamedHamid it won’t work as whatsapp don’t have carousel or Dropdown feature

@JiteshGaikwad what feature can I used to display a long list in whatsapp?

You can use number list