Domain error missing slots not clear why

Rqasa X 0.26/Rasa 1.8 (openshift installation)

I keep getting the message : " 8 inconsistencies were detected with this file. The entity soort was found in the domain but is missing in the training data. The slot jaar was found in the domain but is miss…etc…"

I can’t figure out, what’s wrong: I have all my training data annotated with all of these slots. And Rasa X conversations act as expected.

So, am I doing something wrong, or is Rasa X mistaken?

See included files downloaded from Rasa X: rasax0.26 error missing (3.2 KB)

the logs says the error itself.

In your domain file you have included the entities soort, jaar …etc but in your file there is no single utterance with these entity. So add them in

ganesh, thanks for your reply.

Just to be sure: did you take a look at my files (zip in post)?

Cause I’ve got all those entities in intents as well in stories and utterances.

So still don’t understand the log / message.

Meanwhile, I tried those files on server, so not in Rasa X / openshift.

First, when doing a rasa data validate, I got warnings on missing utterances.

Then I looked at the domain file on the server: it holds the keyword "responses instead of templates:

soort: type: text responses: utter_aanvraag_hoe: - text: >-

Then I changed it into “templates”:

type: text

templates: utter_aanvraag_hoe: - text: >- U vraagt

Now on server it excecuted fine.

I uploaded the domain file into rasa X: Rasa x changed templates again into responses. I can’t change it in Ras X:

yes @HermanH I’ve seen your file

I’m not sure where exactly you have added the entity in nlu file

I use markedown, so I have f.e. the entity "onderwerp for token “loon”

“Mijn [loon](onderwerp) is verhoogd.”

Learned this from rasa doc:


  • what is my balance
  • how much do I have on my [savings](source_account) <!-- entity “source_account” value “savings”

I’m sorry I didn’t get your point. I know MD files. and as per my knowledge you need to give all the entities in, listed in domain file.

May be @akelad can help you on that

Hi @HermanH,

the files provided don’t contain training samples for the entity “soort” - definitely not. Can you please provide the whole list of inconsistencies such that I can provide a minimal working sample?

Kind regards

Julian, you were right!. So I added some nlu and story for soort.

Although one less, still got the inconsistencies

7 inconsistencies were detected with this file.Show less

The slot  **jaar**  was found in the domain but is missing in the training data.
The slot  **soort**  was found in the domain but is missing in the training data.
The slot  **datum**  was found in the domain but is missing in the training data.
The slot  **maand**  was found in the domain but is missing in the training data.
The slot  **onderwerp**  was found in the domain but is missing in the training data.
The slot  **middel**  was found in the domain but is missing in the training data.
The slot  **getal**  was found in the domain but is missing in the training data

NLU: nlu (1).md (6.4 KB)