Docker for Rasa Stack with WebChat UI

I use my Bot with NLU and Core together with the GUI

Can I use docker to run this system on a server where I have not installed anything?

Can you docker Core+NLU ? How can you use this together with the webchat?

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Yes you can use it with docker, there’s some example dockerfiles in both repos, but you would have to customise them so they execute the code that connects to your webchat

Thank you. :smiley:

but you would have to customise them so they execute the code that connects to your webchat

How would I do that? Have you then both core and NLU in docker, or how can I imagine that? I ask my self how I customise this so both can communcate with the chatroom from GitHub - scalableminds/chatroom: React-based Chatroom Component for Rasa Stack

You can have your bot run in the Core container, or in a separate container and then communicate with the two containers that way. We use something called docker-compose usually to handle communication between the containers.

You have to use some custom code to connect that channel as well, you can take a look how it’s done for our built in ones here:

Thanks, but wher in is docker used?