Deploying Rasa chatbot to a website

I am trying to deploy Rasa chatbot to a website using two ways

  1. using Socket IO
  2. using Dockers

I have these up and running. In the method involving socket IO, I have created an index.html, how do I make it run on my company’s website In the method involving Docker, it’s running on the localhost. The question I have is that how do I make it run on any website, say my company’s website.

Hi @gandharv30. The process should be very similar to the one you followed on localhost. The main difference is that you would have to embed the chat widget on your company’s website. To see how you can deploy your assistant using Docker, you can see an example of that in Rasa Masterclass: check it out here.

Thanks @Juste, I am new to all this.Can you please explain how can I embed chat widget on website. Also in the menthod using socket io,

// Or you can replace latest with a specific version

Cant I just add an html page to my company’s website and change the socketUrl to where the rasa server is running?

Also what is the difference between socket IO and docker menthod as both seem to work the same way

Yes, that’s exactly how it should work. You should be able to just add the widget to an existing page on a website without creating a new html page

Docker deployment will also use a socketio, It’s a framework which enables real-time communication between the client and a server. Docker deployment makes it a bit easier to deploy your application in production and deploying it on a cloud server will remove the need for additional services like ngrok to expose your assistant to the outside world. But under the hood it will still use socketio

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