Deploying Rasa Actions in Heroku


I’m new to Rasa and I would like to know how to configure the url property in action_endpoint (endpoints.yml) in order to deploy in Heroku:

  url: "http://localhost:5055/webhook"

Eventually I am running the next 2 commands to start 2 servers:

rasa run actions --actions app.rasabot.actions -p $PORT
rasa run --model app/rasabot/models --enable-api --cors "*" --debug -p $PORT --endpoints app/rasabot/endpoints.yml

But I do not know how to configure the action_endpoint.

Any help will be very much appreciated.


Welcome to the community @AsBaZa :tada:

Which part is unclear? The value which the url entry should have?

Hello @Tobias_Wochinger, thanks for replying.

I don’t really know which could be the right configuration in order to run actions using Heroku. I guess that the key part is the url, but I’m not sure about it.

Eventually I’m trying to run 2 workers (using the commands explained above) under the same Heroku domain, but maybe I have to configure a specific domain for actions to get to the right url.

Thanks once again,

Does Heroku give you any IP / DNS name for the running action server?

I’m not sure, but I think that I am running both servers under the same DNS.

Any luck cracking this?