Custom action in springboot application

Hi, I am trying to create a rasa bot using Java in the Springboot application. One of the use cases is that if a user is able to log in successfully by giving a command like “login:username password” to the rasa chatbot then the bot should respond “Login successful” else “Invalid credentials”. To verify the credentials, I am calling an API in another service that returns if the login is successful or not. How do I make the bot respond according to the situation? Is there any API that I can use to make the bot utter a particular response?

I got to know that we can use REST endpoint and invoke a slash intent (/myintent ) which executes the action and response you want. We could also call the action server directly as described here.

My question is that for calling the action server, do I still need to create a custom action in the file in python and then use the above API to call that action from my Spring boot application? Or I can create a custom action in Java?

Hi @meghnabajoria Rasa is only available in python, You will have to make services corresponding to rasa and action server in python and then interact with them from your Java application using REST endpoints

Okay, so my thought process is that I can create custom actions in Python itself in file and then call the action server directly as described here using Java. Does that sound okay? Also, if you have any examples for the above that would be helpful.