Creating Hybrid Chatbot with RASA( NLP and Guided both)

Hi All,

I am new to Rasa and gone through the nlp and core tutorial and created a basic chatbot for the same.

Now my requirement is to create a chatbot that should be guided as well as conversational. Suppose if user open the chat window, bot will give 2 suggestion whether you want to play a game or do you have any general query on the basis of response selected by user it will open the conversation window where user has selected the 2nd option and it will be a conversational chat where text input will be given by user and bot will respond using the response data and if user click on first option then bot will give some option further to select from the user and in the first case bot will guided where user will only select the option given by bot and bot will respond accordingly and in the 2nd option bot will take input from the user as text from input box and respond. so it will totally depend on the the very first options given by bot when user open the bot. and at the end of the conversation user will give some feedback like thumb impression(liked or disliked) so we could be aware that how much satisfaction level are there by our bot basis of all the users that uses our chat on daily basis.

Can anyone give the response or suggestion as what is the best way to achieve our motive by using RASA?


You can write stories along the lines of:

## play a game
* greet
  - utter_play_game_or_general_query
* play_game
  - ...

## general query
* greet
  - utter_play_game_or_general_query
* general_query
  - ...