Could not load model due to Max Retries Exceeded

Hi all, I’m using boto3 to load a model from an aws s3 bucket. After 20 minutes of loading, I get the error:

Could not load model due to Max Retries Exceeded

I assumed that would be something about the aws client connection not going through but the logs before that error look as if it would work so I’m not sure what I need to change.

I also set an aws config file like this:

read_timeout = 1200
connect_timeout = 1200
http_socket_timeout = 1200

s3 =
  max_concurrent_requests = 1
  multipart_threshold = 8MB
  multipart_chunksize = 8MB

It sits in a folder called “aws_new” which I declare in docker-compose via the environment variable AWS_CONFIG_FILE like so

AWS_CONFIG_FILE: /app/aws_new/config

Further, I have set AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS to 40, so much higher than the default.

I hope one can help me with this

Can you successfully pull the model using curl inside the Rasa container?

On my local machine yes, but not where I’m trying to deploy it: Okteto.

Sounds like it could be a network access issue from Okteto. Maybe a firewall rule that you need to allow the connection? Could you ssh into the container running in Okteto for your test?