Q: What is the advantage of having a chatbot if not active on working time?
Answer: What i mean is that somehow the chatbot widget is not visible during office hours (10Am to 6PM). We are assuming that because there are multiple connections being made, the chatbot is unable to handle the load. In the morning before 10 AM and after 6 PM it works absolutely fine.
On the website we get the error:
> Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT
> webchat.js:48 Error: xhr poll error
> at c.i.onError (webchat.js:33)
> at l.<anonymous> (webchat.js:48)
> at l.r.emit (webchat.js:6)
> at l.onError (webchat.js:48)
> at webchat.js:48
> ApprovalCenter.js:225 getTelephoneBroadbandData
This error comes on the console of the website during working hours. On searching about the error, i found out that a
consistent “XHR poll error” seems to be caused by hanging socket connections.
Now, i dont know it is only during working hours that the chatbot is not visible and rest of the times it works fine??