Webchat latest forbbiden acces

Hi! I have been working with the web-chat botfront GitHub - botfront/rasa-webchat: A feature-rich chat widget for Rasa and Botfront and I am using the source: https://storage.googleapis.com/mrbot-cdn/webchat-latest.js

Everthing was working find but suddenly I got an access error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()

Does anybody knows what is happening?

Thanks in advance.

Hi! Any update? I am having the same issue.

I changed the soruce by https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/rasa-webchat@1.5.0/lib/index.min.js

But I don’t know why the url has changed.


The google storage link is broken for me. Have you downloaded the javascript code locally or are your fetching it from the google storage endpoint?

I was using the google storage endpoint.

I have the same configuration and I am facing the same issues. Did you manage to resolve it?

This way works for me ,thank u!

hi, this error happend because of the size of img is to large, you can send another image, and get the perfect result