Channel integration not working

I am using Rasa SDK and Rasa agents to handle rasa models.
I want to interact with my model via telegram or other channel as well well. Earlier when working directly with rasa I was able to work it out with Telegram. But when I switch to use rasa agents channel does not seem to work.

Is there any way that I can let my RASA agent know about the channels SO THAT I can interact with it?

action_endpoint = EndpointConfig(url=“http://localhost:5005/webhook”)
agent = Agent.load(’./model/dialogue’, interpreter=interpreter,action_endpoint=action_endpoint)
telegram=TelegramInput(access_token=‘XXXXXX’,verify=‘kripky_bot’ ,webhook_url=‘’)

Earlier there used to be a method agent.handle_channels([telegram_obj]) But I’m unable to find the same in file. Any idea how to load channels now?

Any help @ChrisRahme , sorry for tagging you directly

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