Cant Run Rasa x command

Hi i had installed rasa x in my system in windows 10 And the installation was also perfect without error But when i am running (rasa x) this command i am getting this error

@murtuza Hello Murtuza and Welcome to the Forum :bouquet:

Can you please share the rasa --version while activating your conda environment ?

(Messanger) PS C:\Users\groov\PycharmProjects\Chatbot> rasa --version Rasa Version : 2.8.8 Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.0 Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.2 Rasa X Version : 0.42.3 Python Version : 3.7.9 Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 Python Path : c:\users\groov\pycharmprojects\chatbot\messanger\scripts\python.exe (Messanger) PS C:\Users\groov\PycharmProjects\Chatbot>

@murtuza can you update the above one with screenshot?

@murtuza can you please follow these steps:

I’d recommend to create a fresh conda environment with python 3.7 or 3.8 and follow the step

`pip install rasa==2.8.1`
`pip install rasa-sdk==2.8.1'

check version rasa --version its install or not


pip install rasa-x==0.39.3 --extra-index-url

check rasa version rasa --version its install or not

You will see some error : ImportError: cannot import name ‘RowProxy’ from ‘sqlalchemy.engine’ Install

pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22 should fix it

If sanic related error: pip install sanic-jwt==1.6.0

delete .db if is showing alembic issue.

Good luck! I hope this will solve your issue.

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Hi i had followed all the steps as you said but its not working

What is the issue? share some errors?

@murtuza did you install anaconda ? and created the environment ? share rasa --version please.

@murtuza please answer me this, as you are using Pycharm there can be a issue, can you switch to VS code?

can i delete this whole folder and then u send me the whole process to install this

Rasa Version : 2.8.1 Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.0 Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.1 Rasa X Version : 0.39.3 Python Version : 3.7.9 Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 Python Path : c:\users\groov\pycharmprojects\chatbot\messanger\scripts\python.exe

yes i am using pycharm

@murtuza can you share the screenshot for rasa --version?

@murtuza Murtuza, Please see and reply what I am asking please.

  1. Do you have Anaconda install? Yes or No ?

I dont Have Anaconda i have Pycharm

@murtuza Please install Anaconda from Anaconda | Individual Edition , then create the conda environment using the following command

  1. conda create -n rasa3 python=3.8
  2. conda activate rasa 3

and then follow :

@murtuza can you please follow these steps:

I’d recommend to create a fresh conda environment with python 3.7 or 3.8 and follow the step

`pip install rasa==2.8.1`
`pip install rasa-sdk==2.8.1'

check version rasa --version its install or not


pip install rasa-x==0.39.3 --extra-index-url

check rasa version rasa --version its install or not

You will see some error : ImportError: cannot import name ‘RowProxy’ from ‘sqlalchemy.engine’ Install

pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22 should fix it

If sanic related error: pip install sanic-jwt==1.6.0

delete .db if is showing alembic issue.

@murtuza This one :slight_smile:

which edition anaconda please suggest

@murtuza Python 3.8 64 bits Individual Edition as per your laptop bro :slight_smile:

its 3.8 over here