Can't install rasa 2

Hey, so I added some repo link for rasa 1 previously, and now I’m unable to add rasa 2… it only shows me all the rasa 1 versions. Please help. thanks

PS D:\Adroitx\v2new> pip3 install -U rasa==2.2

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement rasa==2.2

ERROR: No matching distribution found for rasa==2.2

PS D:\Adroitx\v2new> pip3 install -U rasa==2.0

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement rasa==2.0

ERROR: No matching distribution found for rasa==2.0

@arkaprabha-majumdar, you can update Rasa’s version to the lastest with this command:

pip3 install --upgrade rasa

or install a specific version:

pip3 install rasa==2.1.3

Reference: Rasa doc.