Hello There,
I have two conda venv with specification
rasa 2.8.25
rasa-sdk 2.8.4
rasa-x 1.0.1
rasa 3.1.0
rasa-sdk 3.1.1
rasa-x 1.1.0
running locally on my machine
i cannot talk to bot via rasa-x web interface, I can train the bot and models are generated. but i always get error 500 interal server error
3.9fcf71a1.chunk.js:2 GET http://localhost:5002/api/projects/default/models?limit=50&offset=0 500 (Internal Server Error)
and also sometimes i notice this in the debug output
It's possible that no model has been trained, or that the requested tag hasn't been assigned.
Checking the model discovery from model_for_tag
Now i was able to launch rasa x and talk to the bot
but please give it sometime when you are loading and tagging models as active , it’s slow in here
venv config running everything in local machine
Rasa Version : 2.8.1
Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.0
Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.1
Rasa X Version : 0.39.3
Python Version : 3.8.13
Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.19043-SP0
Python Path : E:\anaconda3\envs\rasa2.8.1\python.exe
@abdelrahman.fathy personally not, but I highly recommend using rasa 3.x with botfront widget as it will give you live chatbot experience and rasa x are good for testing, etc and you cant’ use custom actions in rasa x this version else you need server deployment using docker, etc.