In my EC2 instance endpoints.yml cannot read environment variables.
In the yml file I set the env variables in the following snippet
And display the next error message
14|rasa_ap | RasaException: Error when trying to expand the environment variables in '${RASA_USER_APP}'. Please make sure to also set these environment variables: '['${RASA_USER_APP}']'.
I tried to activate and desactivate my venv and nothing changed. Display same error message
Also I changed the yml file changing ${ENV_VARIABLE} to {{ENV_VARIABLE}} or '${ENV_VARIABLE}'and display errors in the file endpoints file.
Hi! I´m not sure if my answer will help, as I´m not running Rasa in an EC2 instance, but locally. However, I had the same issue (I have all env vars stored in an .env file in the actions folder) and I resolved it by running the following command before starting the rasa server: