Can we bypass nlu for few messages in rasa

I want to store user message whatever they are typing in a particular slot, how can we do that in rasa? As rasa works on predefined thing and it has been set to check any user message in nlu first then go forward to check for detected intent what’s utterance is defined in stories or rules. But this process is becoming hurdle for me to store user msg as it is, actually i want user to give description for their issue, so i can’t define it in my nlu as i won’t be knowing what they could type, for this case i won’t to bypass nlu for particular that msg. As a result if nlu is bypassed it won’t check user message in nlu and doesn’t fall under any other intent then i can store that message as it is in a slot.

So please tell is it possible to do it? Or suggest any way around for the problem

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