I didn’t find anything to send a message to conversation(bot to say this message) using api.
I thought i could set a slot using conversations/{conversation_id}/tracker/events
and then use /conversations/<conversation_id>/trigger_intent that would trigger custom action and utter the slot.
But this doesn’t sound good to me. Is there a better way to do this?
I already have rasa x and custom action servers running live.
That way i just get bot to respond to message that i send to it. It’s same as connecting to channel.
My goal:
Be able to receive all users messages to 3rd server. (Solved/Done)
Be able to send message to user from 3rd server. (Open)
Currently i have action that pauses the bot(and takes the conversationID) and after that i get this users messages to 3rd server.
All i need now is to be able to send message to the user/conversation “as the bot”.
That POST would add message to the tracker but i’m not sure if the sender can be bot and since it just log’s the message the bot would not actually utter the message?
The correct way to send a message from your bot to the user is by appending an event to your tracker using this endpoint:
Its essential to include these query parameters: execute_side_effects=true output_channel='telegram' (try ‘latest’ , didn’t work for me)