Hola from Argentina!
I’m trying to get the most out of the rasa console (terminal) UI. One day I will develop this with a fancy UI. My problem is when I print the buttons it displays the payload, which does not look very nice for non-tech audiences: My button menu looks like this:
Adara es un centro de estética. ¿Algunos de estos servicios te interesa? (Use ar row keys) » 1: Flebologia (/inform{“service”: “flebologia”}) 2: Dermatologia (/inform{“service”: “dermatologia”}) 3: Nutricion (/inform{“service”: “nutricion”}) 4: Estetica (/inform{“service”: “estetica”}) Type out your own message…
Is it possible to print just the button title without the payload? i.e. (/inform{“service”: “nutricion”})
Any experience good or bad with this would be helpful.
My function looks like this:
def run(self, dispatcher: CollectingDispatcher, tracker: Tracker, domain: Dict[Text, Any]) -> List:
buttons = []
service_type = CALENDAR_TYPES[t]
payload = "/inform{\"service\": \"" + service_type.get(
"name") + "\"}"
{"title": "{}".format(service_type.get("name").title()),
"payload": payload})
# TODO: update rasa core version for configurable `button_type`
dispatcher.utter_button_template("utter_ask_service", buttons, tracker)
return []