Authenticate socket channel with keycloak

I am using socket io channel to display rasa webchat in an html page. I need to authenticate it but my team doesn’t want me to use JWT authentication and instead use keycloak. So, I need to know what changes need to be made in the file to make sure that my socket connection is authenticated. @nik202

I never did this Keycloack, I guess maybe you need to check google

Seeking help from @stephens, many thanks in advance.

Okay, @stephens hoping to get an early response from you. Thanks!

Can you answer:

  • What is your authentication workflow?
  • Are you using MFA?
  • Are you expecting all of the authentication to be handled via chat (this would be unusual - are you sure your security requirements would allow this)?

what changes need to be made in the

I can’t answer that at this point. It’s not clear that any changes are needed there. This could be custom actions and/or chat widget/website changes.

rasa webchat

I wouldn’t use the Rasa Webchat widget. I did a post about the current state of the available widgets here.