Action_deactivate_form is not working

Before this, the action_deactivate_form works well. However, after around two months of not using Rasa, I finally came back to test and add something out. But, I noticed that action_deactivate_form is not working. I have tried scrolling around to see maybe there is update or deprecated or something but I didnt find any. My question is how to solve this?

This is the only 3 stories with the form that I did before and it works just fine:

## enquiries happy path
* greet
    - utter_greet
    - utter_assist
    - utter_btn_Main
* enquiries
    - utter_tell_form
    - form_info
    - form{"name": "form_info"}
    - form{"name": null}
    - utter_did_that_help
* affirm
    - utter_react_positive
    - utter_anything_else
* affirm
    - utter_btn_Main

## enquiries unhappy path 
* enquiries
    - utter_tell_form
    - form_info
    - form{"name": "form_info"}
* MainMenu
    - utter_ask_continue
* deny
    - action_deactivate_form
	- form{"name": null}
	- utter_btn_Main

## enquiries unhappy path
* enquiries
    - utter_tell_form
    - form_info
    - form{"name": "form_info"}
* MainMenu
    - utter_ask_continue
* affirm
    - form_info
	- form{"name": null}
	- utter_did_that_help

What makes I know that the form is not deactivate is that I try it in debug mode and it shows that the form_info is active. Can somebody help me

hi @acapothman heppy to try and help

  1. yes we have made a lot of changes with the recent release of Rasa Open Source 2.0. But unless you have installed a new version, that shouldn’t affect you. Can you please run rasa --version and share the output here?
  2. how are you deactivating the form? Can you pelase share the code for your form subclass?

Hi @amn41 thank you for responding. Apparently I tried updating to 2.0 and changing from action_deactivate_form to action_deactivate_loop and it works!

Hi @acapothman . I have the same problem. I use action_deactive_loop but it doesn’t work. Although the bot predicts stop intent, it still continues to ask for the required slot. I have tried both stories and rules and neither of them worked. Any help is appreciated!

hi @kurtsenol - can you please share what your rules look like?

hi @amn41. Thanks for the reply. I solved that when I add “stop”, “affirm” and “deny” intents as “not intent” for the form slots. I think it would be better if you update documents concerning forms.