Rasa Form deactivation broken


i tried to deactivate a form with every method i found in this forum. None of them worked. Also in the official example “Formbot” this is not working. Im using the actual version of rasa 1.4.3. I tried to deactivate it with:

  • action_deactivate_form from intent
  • custom action to deactivate the form with return[Form(None)]
  • deactivate the form within the validate function of a slot with self.deactivate()

Can anybody help me out?

Hello @Jones,

Can you specify the situation in which you want to deactivate the form ?

For example like in the official example “formbot”

User wants to cancel the form and writes “stop” or something similar. Then cancel form immediately or cancel form after asking “do you want to continue?”.

all right, have you tried creating an intent: cancel and a story like this:

* cancel
    - action_deactivate_form

If you don’t need to reset all the form slot, i think that should do it.

Yes i tried it but its not working.

I did a little test and was able to deactivate the form using that method.

Did you create a story where there is only intent cancel like this:

* cancel
    - action_deactivate_form

Don’t include it in your form story.