I chose for my bachelor’s thesis (Computer Science) to build a chatbot for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The bot will be deployed on Facebook Messenger. After a lot of research I finally decided to use Rasa since it seems that it is the most accessible framework and has everything I need. My problem is that most tutorial courses are outdated because of the Rasa 2.x release, so I find it hard to learn the framework by myself.
I was wondering if anyone on this forum has built a chatbot similar to my project (or know any other similar project) and can share some tips on what I need and what to learn, and maybe even share some resources so I can start learning and eventually working.
Although there were some major updates, I believe after you get the hang of the Rasa framework, it is still possible to follow some “older resources”. If you really want to follow along a bot project build from the ground up (and catch some best practices on the way), I would recommend the Breakout Bot series. Note, Breakout Bot is updated to Rasa 2.x in season 4
Hi there, I am a veteran. and mental health advocate. I have been a bot developer most of my programming career. I would love to know more about your project! I may have some tips for you.