Installing rasa

please help me to resolve this while running the cmd pip install rasa its taking too long and showing pip is looking for multiple versions of aiofiles

@rokush hello and welcome to the forum Rohit :bouquet:

Can you briefly explain what steps you have already performed? you only want to install rasa open source or even rasa x?

Please mention @ and nik202 for faster reply :wink:

@nik202 Thanks for the welcome . I want to install rasa while running the cmd : pip install rasa its taking too long and showing pip is looking for multiple versions of aiofiles

@rokush do you have anaconda install? and create the Conda environment?

yes, i am installing it according to the rasa youtube video

@rokush please dont follow any video and I will share you steps and please follow those steps and you will be able to install in 10 mins Ok

@rokush Please follow these steps for the installation of ROS and Rasa X :slight_smile:

Note: You can ignore few steps, if you already performed it!

Please install Anaconda from Anaconda | Individual Edition , then create the conda environment using the following command

  1. conda create -n rasa3 python=3.8
  2. conda activate rasa 3

PS: If you using Linux, check the environment for the same.

Note: I’d recommend to create a fresh environment if not you can proceed with next steps:

Note: If you not able to install you can downgrade the pip version to 20.2

For Rasa Open Source:

`pip install rasa==2.8.1`
`pip install rasa-sdk==2.8.1'

check version rasa --version its install or not

For Installing basic project:

rasa init

then if you need

For Rasa-X Installation

pip install rasa-x==0.39.3 --extra-index-url

check rasa version rasa --version its install or not

You will see some error : ImportError: cannot import name ‘RowProxy’ from ‘sqlalchemy.engine’ Install

pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22 should fix it

If sanic related error: pip install sanic-jwt==1.6.0

delete .db (events and rasa ) if is showing alembic issue.

pip install pip==20.2.2

If you have any error in-between please share with us.

Note: You will see the Event Loop Close error in the terminal, you can ignore that, its an persistent issue with Rasa X and team is working on it.

I hope this will solve your issue. Good Luck!

@rokush you only need ROS, so please dnt install rasa x ok ? and if you required please go ahead.

If you able to solve this please do close this thread while marking the solution tick next to this thread.

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Thanks for the help, mate! :v:

not able to install rasa-x . This is my configuration of rasa : Rasa Version : 2.7.1 Minimum Compatible Version: 2.6.0 Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.4 Rasa X Version : None Python Version : 3.8.0 Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0

the following error is showing :

@rokush please visit this thread : Windows installtion of Rasa x

Hello. I tried the steps you mentioned but I am getting an error while running rasa x command. The error - “Sorry, something went wrong (see error above). Make sure to start Rasa X with valid data and valid domain and config files. Please, also check any warnings that popped up.” The Rasa version are - Rasa Version : 2.8.1 Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.0 Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.1 Rasa X Version : 0.39.3 Python Version : 3.8.13 Operating System : Windows-10-10.0.19044-SP0 Python Path : C:\Users\Abdul\anaconda3\envs\rasa3\python.exe

I used “–use-deprecated=legacy-resolver” for installing rasa x as it was taking a lot of time to install. Please let me know how this can be resolved?

@Abdul check this Rasa X runs with several Errors & Warnings - #2 by nik202

pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22

Hi @nik202 , I tried pip install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22 but it is still giving error while running rasa x.

Sorry, something went wrong (see error above). Make sure to start Rasa X with valid data and valid domain and config files. Please, also check any warnings that popped up. If you need help fixing the issue visit our forum:

will you share the error screenshot? @Abdul