I had the same error and to solve it I found out the following : In order to have rasa (and tensorflow) working on your windows machine :
- you need to lower your python version at least to python 3.6
- you need to lower your python-dateutil to at least 2.8.0
Steps Assuming that you already have PIP, Virtualenv installed, you must follow these steps:
Python older version: In order to install it, download an older version of python (i found one here)
Create a virtual env using that python version you have just installed. using the command mkvirtualenv --python=path_of_python_older_version\ name_of_env
Activate the env you have just created (WORKON name_of_env)
Now install an older version of python-dateutil using the command pip install python-dateutil==2.8.0
Now you can install rasa,using the command pip install rasa
Hope it helps