Channel specific utterances not working [using rest channel and set the input_channel in post request]

calling the rasa rest API http://fqdn:5005/webhooks/rest/webhook with body {“sender”: “ty88hphi”,“input_channel”: “abc”, “message”:“/ch1”}

the channel is updated in the tracker and used in custom action smoothly but when I use “Channel specific utterances” it always returns the default message.


utter_channel: - channel: “abc” text: “You’re talking to me on abc!” - channel: “123” text: “You’re talking to me on 123!” - text: “This is a default one”


@Rabi That’s somewhat expected behavior. The input_channel part of the JSON is treated as metadata and is not considering when finding a matching response. When assigning bot responses to channels we do that based on the name of the output channel which belongs to the input channel you used. This means if you’re using the rest channel then the channel name would be collector.