We implemented a custom channel over RestInput and expected to use channel-specific response.
But we could’nt get it.
Solution from simular topics ( OutputChannel
has to overwrite the name()
function) unfortunatly did’nt help us.
credentials.yaml :
domain.yml :
- channel: "rest"
text: "Hello, REST"
- channel: "myio"
text: "Hello, MYIO"
- text: "Hello, default"
The connector implementation is basically identical to rasa.core.channels.channel.RestInput
class MyioInput(InputChannel):
def name(cls) -> Text:
return "myio"
async def on_message_wrapper...
class MyioOutput(CollectingOutputChannel):
def name(cls) -> Text:
return "myio"
But we have always not specific response:
"recipient_id": "user",
"text": "Hello, default"
What do I do wrong?