Wrong Action triggered after correctly identifying intent

I have a defined user story that follows this template : -

## story1
* intent1{'entity':'value1'}
   - action_1
   - utter_was_that_useful
* affirm
   - utter_goodbye
   - action_reset_slot
* deny
   - utter_take_action
 ## story2
* intent2{'entity':'value2'}
   - action_2
   - utter_was_that_useful
* affirm
   - utter_goodbye
   - action_reset_slot
* deny
   - utter_take_action

I have entity labeled training examples for all the intents in the nlu.md file, and am using Memoization/Keras policy with max history set to 2 and augmentation factor set to 0.

However, the core consistently triggers the wrong action after correctly identifying the intent, and completely abandons the story in some cases ( triggering goodbye after the deny intent, despite that chain not being a part of any story). I suspect that has something to do with the way I have defined the story. Can someone please help me figure this out? Thanks

I have consulted this solution, but it made no difference in the behavior of my bot.

HI @enginoir. How many training stories do you have?

@enginoir I’m wondering what you mean by your story, If the user sends a message with intent1, and the bot utters was_that_useful, do you want the user to either say yes or no? Because the way your stories are defined now, you want the user to say yes all the time and then say no afterwards.

Correct me if I misinterpreted what you want to do, but I think you should define your story this way:

## story1happy
* intent1{'entity':'value1'}
   - action_1
   - utter_was_that_useful
* affirm
   - utter_goodbye
   - action_reset_slot

## story1unhappy
* intent1{'entity':'value1'}
   - action_1
   - utter_was_that_useful
* deny
   - utter_take_action