Why to keep editing actions.py in /etc/rasa/

Hi, I am using Rasa 2.x

I have deployed my Rasa chatbot using docker-compose file. For action server, I have created a docker image which is running. If I make any changes in actions.py file and push the code, changes are not reflected in rasa-x conversation until I add these changes in actions.py file in /etc/rasa/actions

Is there any way to not keep editing this file in /etc/rasa//actions?

@Sajjadmanal Alright, its easy peasy :slight_smile: you need to create the action server image using Github Actions, connect your repo with VS code, as you update anything in actions.py and push on the repo, it will run the Github action code, deploy your image with all the data on docker registry and then you can pull the image in by using docker-compose.override or pull command. Sometimes actions.py is not updated so you need to inspect the app container. I hope this will help you.

Ref: helpdesk-assistant/continuous-integration.yml at main · RasaHQ/helpdesk-assistant · GitHub | carbon-bot/Dockerfile at master · RasaHQ/carbon-bot · GitHub

@nik202 I have to use gitlab only. I am performing the same. I have docker image for action server. But still I have to update actions file to see changes.

@Sajjadmanal Very strange, I never got this issue :slight_smile: can you share some code with me, all relevant and related code which you can allow to share, this is 2nd time I saw this issue, that why I already mentioned in my last post :wink:


My response can be delayed but I will surely replay as and when I see :slight_smile: Thanks

@nik202 Here is my docker-compose.override.yml:


@nik202 dockerfile:

FROM rasa/rasa-sdk:latest


COPY actions/requirements.txt ./

USER root

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

COPY ./actions /app/actions

COPY actions/new.csv /app/actions

USER 1001

@Sajjadmanal still not able to see the update you did from the local machine to Github and then docker container?

@nik202 could not understand the GitHub part. I am using Gitlab. What I need to do?

@Sajjadmanal can you share the Gtilab code? whilst using the code you able to push the code and create the action_server image?

@nik202 Which file exactly you need, will share the same removing private info.

@Sajjadmanal Gitlab code related files.

@nik202 For connecting to gitlab, I used connect to repo feature in rasa-x. For rasa files, I have dockerfile, nlu.yml, domain.yml, endpoint.yml, actions.py, rules.yml, stories.yml.

@Sajjadmanal now me confused you are using rasa x or rasa open source, can you change the category to Rasa X please. I guess we need to discuss on call if you would like?

@nik202 Changed the category. Sure, sajjadmanal24@gmail.com

@Sajjadmanal remove your contact number from above post ok and share the email ID I will send you an invite as soon as I will get some time ok?

@nik202 Ok, Thanks