Action server when deployed

Hello everyone,

we have deployed our chatbot with Rasa X on Google cloud platform. But when we try it, actions server doesn’t work… We have followed the instructions, created the docker-compose.override.yml, actions folders with and with our code paste, and then do this instruction : sudo docker-compose up -d.

Unfortunately it doesn’t work after these steps… If someone has any clue, it could be very helpful !



@olivierdpn could you show me what your override file looks like? and did you do a docker-compose down before doing up?

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Thanks @akelad, it works now with docker-compose down :slight_smile: Another question if you can help : I used few packages in my actions file and i guess they are not installed in my vm. What should I do to deploy them when I deploy my project ?

@olivierdpn you should build your own actions image as described here: Running Rasa with Docker

Then you can update your docker-compose.override to use that image instead