Why rasa open source vs rasa x Project Layout do not match

I use Rasa open source 2.2.2 and Rasa x 0.34.0

  1. Rasa open source 2.2.2 I push to my GitHub
  2. Rasa x I deploy on my ubuntu server ==> when I connect Repository rasa x on my server to GitHub Project Layout do not match, file nlu.md on rasa x server # nlu.yml on my GitHub project ==> how can I fix it. thanks

Is Rasa X giving you an error message? Does the training data show up under the NLU, Stories, Responses and Domain pages?

The files from the repo are not supposed to be accessed from Rasa X so you shouldn’t worry about finding them on the Rasa X system. Rasa X loads the training data from the git repo into its Postgres database.
